Hardware manual

Crest Audio Inc. NexSys v. 3.0
12. Security
Scenes are the basis for setting up Security. NexSys Security functions by establishing two
selection criteria; determining which controls are included in scenes and then limiting access
to those scenes via password protection. In addition, security is plan-based so different plans
can have different users who, in turn, could have different access levels.
12.1 Access Levels
There are three access levels in NexSys:
Administrator - The administrator has access to all scenes, functions and con-
trols. The administrator is the only level with access to the Security
Administrator dialog which is used to add users and set up their access level.
The administrator alone can enable or disable security.
Full access privileges enable the user to all areas of the program with the
exception of system security. A full user may open any control panel, create
snapshots and scenes.
Restricted users are limited to marked or assigned scenes. Restricted users can
control only those elements that have been placed in the scene by an adminis-
trator. Restricted users cannot open windows.
12.2 Security Setup
Security for a plan is configured in the Security Administrator dialog; opened by selecting
ptions | Security from the menu. Add users as needed, being sure to make yourself an
administrator. Press New to add a user. In the User Setup dialog enter the users name and
have the user enter their password. Once added, you can assign the user an access level.
Before implementing security, be sure that you have created the scenes you need. Design
your scenes based upon your Restricted Users. Add controls for a more sophisticated user,
and less controls (maybe just a snapshot window containing system presets) for a less
sophisticated user.
Once you have a set of scenes, go through each Restricted User and select the scenes you
want him/her to access.
You may want to create two or more administrators as a failsafe in case one is unavailable
or forgets their password. If the administrator(s) lose or forget their passwords, their is no
way to recover them. Contact Crest Audio for a temporary password if this scenario occurs.
Software Manual Page 12.1