Hardware manual

Crest Audio Inc. NexSys v. 3.0
Appendix B
Appendix B - Menu Reference
(A reference description of all the pull down menu commands
New Starts a new Plan
Open... Opens an existing Plan
Save Saves the current Plan
Save As... Saves the current Plan to a specified name
All Devices Opens the device inventory window and displays all devices
Alerts Opens the device inventory window and displays all devices
showing alerts
Amplifiers Opens the device inventory window and displays only
MIDI Opens the device inventory window and displays only MIDI
DSP Opens the device inventory window and displays only DSP
Crossover Opens the device inventory window and displays only
crossover devices
Parametric Equalizer Opens the device inventory window and displays only
equalizer devices
Sequential Turn On Opens the device inventory window and displays only
sequential turn on
Control Opens the control window for the Plan
Snapshot Opens the snapshot window for the Plan
Load Monitor Initiates multi-device Load Monitoring session for the Plan
Plan Information Creates and displays a file containing detailed information
about the Plan
Event Scheduler Switches to the Event Scheduler
Exit Exits the program
New Creates a new group
Setup Allows changing the name of the selected group
Delete group Deletes the selected group
Control Opens the amplifier control window for the selected group
Snapshot Opens the snapshot window for the group
Open Opens the snapshot window for the Plan
Update Updates the selected snapshot
Insert Inserts a new snapshot
Edit Allows editing of the snapshot
Delete Deletes the current snapshot
Load Monitor Initiates multi-device Load Monitoring session