
Crestron ST-1700C 1-Way Wireless RF Touchpanel
sequence, but the only information that is actually transmitted to the control system
is the join number of the button that specifies the sequence. On the touchpanel, if
timing is specified in the sequence, the button that specifies the sequence will appear
active for the whole sequence; the other buttons in the sequence will go active in the
order and for the duration specified in the sequence; if no timing is specified, the
other buttons will go active simultaneously.
The programmer must duplicate the actual logic, including all button presses,
functions and durations, on the control system. Normally, the programmer uses a
STEPPER symbol in SIMPL Windows, with the input driven by the join number that
initiates the sequence. As shown in the following figure, each output of the
STEPPER drives the logic for the next step in the sequence with the appropriate
duration and delay as the corresponding parameters.
To Each Step of
the Sequence
Optional Pushbuttons
Pushbutton Layout and Join
Number Assignment
If the optional ten “hard” pushbuttons are installed, you can use these buttons to
access any frequently used commands (refer to “Appendix: Installation of Optional
Pushbuttons”). Each button has a permanently fixed digital join number; refer to the
illustration shown to the left. The sequence of digital join numbers is (top to bottom)
1 through 5 on the left side and 6 through 10 on the right side.
NOTE: A user may not want the display to come on after a pushbutton is pressed
when the unit is off. The Startup Preference option allows the user to select whether
the touchpanel’s display comes on or stays off after a pushbutton is pressed. For
more information, refer to “Startup Preference” on page 9.
NOTE: To program a quick pushbutton to flip a page (change a screen) on the
ST-1700C, go to the Hard Keys tab of the Project Properties” window in VT Pro-e.
Select a button from the Button drop-down list, and then select the desired page from
the Page Flip drop-down list. When the button is pressed, the page is displayed.
The quick pushbuttons can also be programmed to do a page flip via SIMPL
Reserved Join Numbers
A reserved join number is a feature of the software that enables a designer to create a
button that completes a predetermined function (e.g., calls up the Preferences Menu,
adjusts brightness, etc.). The table after this paragraph provides a list of reserved join
numbers available within SIMPL Windows software.
Operations Guide – DOC. 6225A 1-Way Wireless RF Touchpanel: ST-1700C 21