
Select Open and Project from the File menu to open the touchpanel
project file. For this sample, the project has been named
This lighting page, shown
below, was taken from the
VTW Template subdirectory,
TST1500C.PRJ, page name
5. Open or create a lighting page with associated buttons. The STS
Wizard uses template projects, many of which offer typical lighting
pages. One such page is shown below. To use a page from the
template, copy it to the touchpanel project and customize as needed.
Refer to Copy and Paste from the STS/VTW Help menu for details.
Lighting Page Sample
HINT: An alternate method
would be to address the
MAIN-UNIT # when the
button that opens the lighting
age is depressed. Buttons on
the lighting page can then be
assigned individual (SCENE
or ZONE) commands.
6. While the lighting page is open, a macro must be defined to identify
the MAIN-UNIT # and assign specific SCENE or ZONE commands.
The MAIN-UNIT # assignment only needs to be sent once . If
controlling multiple MAIN-UNITS, it can also be included and sent
each time there is a SCENE or ZONE change. Select Create Macro
from the Control menu to open the “Macro Edit” dialog box.
7. Replace MACRO # in the [Name:] field with a relevant name such as
Zone1-Up. The dialog box should appear as shown below.
Macro Edit Dialog Box
Operations Guide - Doc. 5694 Lutron Interface 11