
Routine Maintenance
Between Defrostings
To avoid frequent defrosting, occasionally use a plastic
scraper to remove frost, Scrape with a pulling motion,
Never use a metal instrument to remove frost,
it is important to defrost and clean freezer when 1/4to Y_
inch of frost has accumulated, Frost maytend to accumu-
late faster on upper part of the freezer due to warm,
moist air entering the freezer when the lid is opened,
Remove food and leavethe lid open when defrosting the
To usethe defrost drain, place a shallow pan beneath the
drain outlet (Figure 1), Pull out the drain plug inside the
freezer, and pull off the outside defrost drain plug (Figure
2), Defrost water will drain out, Check pan occasionallyso
water does not overflow, Replace the drain plugs when
defrosting iscompleted,
drain plug
Figure 1
If the frost issoft, remove it by using a plastic scraper, If
the frost isglazed and hard, fill deep pans with hot water
and place them on the freezer bottom, Close the freezer
lid, Frost should soften in about 15 minutes, Repeat this
procedure if necessary,
After defrosting, wash inside and outside surfaces of the
freezer with asolution of twotablespoons of baking soda
in one quart (1,136 litres) warm water, Rinse and dry,
Wring excess water out of the sponge or cloth when
cleaning in the area of the controls, or any electrical parts,
Wash the removable parts with the baking soda solution
mentioned above, or mild detergent and warm water,
Rinseand dry, Never usemetallic scouring pads, brushes,
abrasive cleaners, or alkaline solutions on any surface,
DO NOTwash removable parts in a dishwasher, Replace
parts and food,
Power Failure
Do not open freezer door
unnecessarily if freezer is
off for several hours.
If a power failure occurs, pack seven or eight
pounds of dry ice into the freezer every 24 hours, Look
in the Yellow Pages under "Dry Ice," "Dairies," or "Ice
Cream Manufacturers" for local dry ice suppliers,
Always wear gloves and use caution when handling dry
Energy Conservation Measures
The appliance is designed for efficiency with heavy
foam insulation, However, there are things that the
user can do to maintain the appliance in operating
1, Do not operate the appliance any colder than
necessary to maintain safe, product storage
2, Make sure the appliance is located to prevent
direct exposure to sunlight, air ducts, etc,
3, Keep the lid closed except for normal use, Inspect
the lid often to see that it self-closes and the
gasket is in good condition,
4, Do not overstock the product in the cabinet
because it will block the normal air flow,
5, Have at least annual inspections by a qualified
service company to see that the refrigerant charge
is correct,
6, This appliance operates more efficiently in a cooler
ambient than in a hot ambient, Try to maintain an
ambient below 80°F (27°C) and 65% RHfor
maximum efficiency,