Technical Manual

Technical Manual
ARGUS AM Floor System
Cross Point Device Explorer v1.2 Page 61 of 65
13.6.4 Devices
The Devices screen shows a list of all connected devices, their firmware status and some
system settings.
Figure 60: System Devices
In the Devices list it is possible to:
View the firmware version of each connected device
Upload new device firmware
Locate an individual device or all devices at once
Reset an individual device or all devices at once
Remove disconnected device(s)
Just hover over a device and the available buttons for that device will appear.
Locating a device
Press the Locate button once to activate the buzzer and LEDs on the selected device.
The Locate icon will start blinking and will keep on blinking. Press the Locate button again
to stop locating the selected device.
Resetting a device
Press the Reset button to reset only the selected device.
Uploading new firmware
In case new firmware is available, you can automatically upgrade all devices of the same
type by pressing the Update all button.