Installation Manual

43dBm Dual Band
Digital Radio
© Sunwave IM_CF_H2 v1.0.0 | 7 of 45
Site Considerations
1. CrossFire complies with FCC RF exposure limits for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment must be installed and
operated with a minimum distance of 400cm for H2RU between the antennas and any person’s body.
2. The system delay should be taken into consideration when there are neighboring BTS sites that are overlapping in coverage.
Normal use of the system will not damage the base station; however, with the increase of RU during network coverage for
indoor distribution, the uplink output noise level may affect the sensitivity of the base station, which should be considered
during engineering design. Pick an ideal easy-to-reach location for installation convenience.
3. Pick an ideal easy-to-reach location for installation convenience.
4. Verify that there is a minimum of a 50cm radius of space around CrossFire equipment for the convenience of maintenance and
on-site inspection.
5. Install CrossFire close to the service area for monitor and debugging.
Environmental Considerations
Humidity and temperature can adversely effort reliability of the CrossFire system. Therefore, it is highly recommended to install the
equipment in locations with stable humidity, temperature, and ventilating.
The equipment has to operate at humidity level and temperature range as follow:
Maximum humidity: 85%
Operating Temperature range: -10°C to +50°C
Storage Temperature range: -25°C to +70°C