User's Guide

u Electronic Serial Number (ESN)
The cellular phone has an electronically encoded serial number,
which may be displayed as desired.
üü To display the Electronic Serial Number, press “FNC,
üü To clear the display, just press “CLR”.
This section outlines attaching to the soft bag and connections.
There are some basic rules that apply to most
hardware installation procedures and need to be
observed to prevent damage or injury.
l Always make sure that any power is disconnected before
handling any electrical components like wiring,
fuseboxes, connectors, etc.
l Never force any connection between components,
electrical connectors or the like.
l Always use the proper tools for the task at hand. Using
improper tools may cause damage to yourself, or your
cellular telephone system.
l Think through all the necessary steps of installation
before actually beginning the procedure and equip
yourself for all steps to be preformed.
l Always make sure your workspace and your tools are
clean. The introduction of dirt or grease may hinder the
performance of your cellular telephone and related
u Parts List
FWT-8100 and FWT-8000 Basic Kit