
Meat Preparation
Suggested Grilling
Temperatures and Times
Lamb medallions, boneless, ¾-inch thick Season to taste or marinate. Sear, closed position, 3 to 5 minutes
Boneless pork loin chops ½ to 1-inch thick. All chops grilled at
one time should be same thickness. Pale
pink interior. Grilling too long will result
in dried meat.
High, closed position, for 4 to 9 minutes,
depending on the thickness of the chops.
Internal temperature of 71°C.
Chicken, boneless, skinless breast halves Pound to an even thickness of ½ to ¾
inches (all to be grilled should be the
High, in the closed position, for 7 to 9
minutes. If grilling in the flat position,
cook on high for 8 to 10 minutes per
side. (internal temperature of 74°C –
juices will run clear with no signs of
Chicken, boneless, skinless thighs Spread to even thickness, remove all
visible fat.
High, in the closed position, for 8 to 10
minutes. If grilling in the flat position,
cook on high for 8 to 10 minutes per
side. (internal temperature of 74°C –
juices will run clear with no signs of
Pork tenderloin Cut into ¾-inch thick medallions. may
be pounded. Season to taste.
Sear, closed position, about 4 minutes,
should be slightly pink in appearance or
meat will be dry.
Scallops Dry well. Season to taste and/or rub with
extra virgin olive oil.
Sear, in the closed position, 2 to 2½
minutes. If grilling in the flat position,
sear for 2 to 3 minutes per side. Do not
Prawns Dry well. Season to taste and/or rub with
extra virgin olive oil.
Sear, in the closed position, 2 to 2½
minutes. If grilling in the flat position,
sear for 1 to 2 minutes per side.
Fish steaks (sword, tuna, salmon/boned) About ¾-inch thick to 1-inch thick. High, 6 to 7½ minutes when grilling in
the closed position. If using the flat po-
sition, cook on High for 7 to 8 minutes
per side.
Portobello mushrooms Cut into ½-inch thick slices. High, closed position, 6 to 8 minutes,
until nicely brown and tender.
Beef, boneless steak, ¾ to 1-inch thick Season to taste. Drain off marinade well
if marinated before grilling.
Sear, in the closed position, 3 to 10
minutes. Sear, in the fully open position,
for 3 to 5 minutes per side.
Beef, filets, 1-inch thick Season to taste Sear, closed position, 4 to 5 minutes.
Beef, hamburgers Shape meat into burgers of even weight
and thickness.
Sear, closed position, 5 to 8 minutes to
degree of desired cooking.
Cooked sausages Splitting your sausages gives them a
deeper grilled flavour.
High, in the closed position, 3 to 4
minutes if grilling split sausages. Whole
sausages take 6 to 10 minutes in the
closed position.
Sausages, uncooked Prick links with tines of fork or tip of
paring knife.
High. Grill for 14 to 18 minutes in the
closed position, depending on thickness
of sausage.
Cooking Guide