
Serves 2
Plates: Grill
Position: Closed
Selector: Grill/Panini
6 slices white or wholemeal bread
4 rashers of bacon
2 tsp butter
6 lettuce leaves, shredded
2 tomatoes, thinly sliced
1 tbsp mayonnaise
n Preheat the grill plates on Medium/High.
n Cut the rind off of the bacon and grill on each side for 3-5 minutes or until cooked
through and crispy. Remove and set aside.
n Spread one side of each piece of bread with the butter.
n Place one piece of bread, butter side up, on a serving plate. Place 1 slice of bacon on
the bread and layer with a quarter of the lettuce, a few slices of tomato followed by a
second slice of bread. Repeat these layers finishing with a third slice of bread, butter
side down.
n Repeat this with the remaining ingredients to make 2 triple deck sandwiches.
n Place both sandwiches on the bottom grill plate. Close the lid, pressing lightly for
20-30 seconds. Cook for 3-6 minutes, or until the bread is golden and crispy and the
bacon is hot.