User's Manual

2. Accessories
1) Cradle (Rest)
Connects Cybird to a PC and charges the main battery. Connection to a PC is performed through the PC
connection cable attached to the cradle. Charging is performed by combining the DC unit with the cradle and
supplying power to the cradle.
<Figure – Accessories including PC Connection Cable and Others (indicator to show the charging state)>
2) Power Unit
Provides external power to the cradle.
<Connection of Cradle to External Concent>
3) Bluetooth Telephone (Option)
Supports wireless communications with the body and is the component for voice communication with Cybird.
4) Stylus Pen
Performs the program shown on the Cybird screen or is used to press the Reset button.
Do not touch the screen with sharp objects or different writing tools other than this Stylus pen.
The screen may be damaged.
3. Suggestions in Handling Cybird
1) Do not put heavy articles on Cybird body. The Cybird may be damaged.
2) Do not keep Cybird near to a strong magnetic material.
3) Cybird may be broken or misoperate if strong impact is given or excessive force is applied.
4) Wetting by rain or beverage spill may cause faults in Cybird.
5) Do not disassemble, repair or assemble Cybird arbitrarily. Contact the seller or the Customer Support
Center if Cybird needs repair.
6) Use the Stylus pen provided with Cybird when using the touch screen. If the screen is damaged by sharp
objects or the tips of fingers, it will cause lowered recognition and faults.
7) Cybird should be used under the following temperature conditions for LCD features. If used under other
temperature conditions, misoperation or faults may be caused. (Temperature: 0~40°C)
8) Use soft cloths for removing dust or dirty substances.
9) Change the battery to the charged battery rapidly or charge the Cybird as possible if battery capacity
lacks. If the battery is completely discharged, important data stored in the memory is lost.
10) Keep the Cybird in the case provided.