User Manual

Applications Page 7-31
2) Recording Settings Screen
In Settings, you can set the Sampling rate and bit, which determine the quality of the recording.
X Quality Selection Pane
Displays the available Sampling rates and bits, and is used when selecting the
desired quality.
X Record Sensitivity
Used to adjust sensitivity while recording.
(2) How to use the Recorder
1) Running the Program
To run the Recorder Program, press the Record button on the right side of your PC-
EPhone or tap the Record icon.
2) Recording
Tap the Record icon on the bottom of the Record screen or press the Record button on
the right side of your PC-EPhone once more with the recorder program running.
To stop recording, tap the Stop button on the bottom of the Recorder or press the record
button on the right side of your PC-EPhone. On suspension, the recorded contents are
saved as a temporary file. This temporary file is saved Record.wav form in My
Computer\Temp Folder.