Instruction manual

106 Telnet Menu System
Cybernetics UM-MV-86-B1-0801
miSAN-V-Series Messages
The miSAN-V-Series may on occasion need to display a message to the user. Messages
are displayed during startup initialization or to announce completion of an offline opera-
tion or to request user confirmation of an action.
When the menu system is being accessed, all messages will be held by the miSAN-V-
Series. Any pending messages will be displayed when the user exits from the menu sys-
tem and returns to the initial screen.
Menu Operation
The telnet menu structure is described briefly in the next section. Not all menu items will
be available in all miSAN-V-Series configurations. Menu item appearance depends on
hardware configuration and installed options. The “Menu Descriptions” section, earlier in
this chapter, includes detailed explanations for menu selections and items options. This
section will focus on those menu items that are only found in the Telnet menu system as
opposed to the Web Control panel.
At the initial screen, typing m will bring up the “Main Menu.” Each menu item is numbered,
and pressing a number will bring up the corresponding submenu. Similarly, within each
submenu, pressing a number will bring up the corresponding numbered item.
The “Main Menu” will look similar to the following:
To change a setting, type the number or letter corresponding to the menu or submenu
item, and type the new information. Some items (generally, those that need the user to
type information, such as a hostname) require confirmation by pressing ENTER, though
most do not. An item is changed by typing a number to select from a list of choices.
Changes are not made effective until after leaving the menu system.