Instruction manual

121 Using the 3ware Disk Manager®
Cybernetics UM-MV-86-B1-0801
Unit Details Page
The Unit Details page appears when you click an ID number on the Unit Information
page. Since it is a sub-page of Unit Information, the page title in the menu bar continues
to display “Unit Information” even when you view details of a unit. To return to the list of
units, click Unit Information in the menu bar.
The Unit Details page shows details about a particular unit. The specific information
shown depends on what type of unit it is. For example, details about a RAID 10 unit made
up of two subunits, each of which contains two drives, will include details about the unit
and each subunit. However, if the unit was a Single Disk, only information about one disk
would be shown.
Details on this page may include all or some of the following information described below.
To see details about a particular drive, click the Port #. You’ll see a list of all drives, with
the drive you selected highlighted.
Status: The operational status of the unit or subunit: OK, Rebuilding, Initializing,
Verifying, Degraded, or Inoperable (missing drives). When a unit is Rebuilding,
Initializing, or Verifying, the percentage (%) complete is also shown.
Capacity: The total capacity of the unit (capacities of subunits are not shown).
Type: The type of unit or subunit it is. RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 10, RAID 50,
Single Disk, Spare, JBOD, or Disk
Stripe: The stripe size of the unit, if applicable.
Figure 5-6 Unit Details Page