Instruction manual

76 Operating the Web Control Panel
Cybernetics UM-MV-86-B1-0801
Tape status: Tape cartridge load status, which reports “Loaded” when ready
for use. For a “Loaded” tape cartridge, “MEDIUM ERROR” will also appear if a
loaded tape has a problem that prevents the drive from reading or writing data,
and “Write-protected” if physically write-protected.
Tape capacity: Total tape capacity (gigabytes)
Tape position: Current tape position as the space remaining until the end of
the tape (gigabytes)
Current RWR/ECC: Current WRITE/READ operation error rate percentage
Average RWR: Average WRITE operation error rate percentage
Average ECC: Average READ operation error rate percentage
Transfer rate: Current WRITE/READ data transfer rate
Menu Button
Pressing the Menu Button brings up a drop-down menu with the following options:
1) Inventory
Identify tape... – This option lets you manually identify the currently-loaded
tape from a list of tapes in the database. Use this option after reinserting a tape
that you had previously loaded and ejected so the miSAN-V-Series can use the
same database entry for the tape as before. This option is usually not necessary
for AIT or LTO tapes, which the miSAN-V-Series can identify automatically by
their serial numbers. You may find it easier to identify tapes in the database if you
rename them from the “Physical tapes” tab when you initially load them (“Physical
Tapes Tab” on page 97).
2) Disk cache
Setup offload...
For a tape drive reporting the unused space (e.g., IBM Ultrium LTO
drive), rather than the current tape position, the status will show the
remaining space between EOD (End-of-Data) and the end of the tape.
The status field will showUnused space” instead of “Tape position”.