Instruction manual

78 Operating the Web Control Panel
Cybernetics UM-MV-86-B1-0801
You can clear the association between a physical tape and the virtual tape for off-
loading from the “Physical tapes” tab.
After you choose a virtual tape to be offloaded to a physical tape, you may select
one of the following actions to be performed to the virtual tape:
Do nothing to VT – Choose this if the virtual tape already contains a backup you
want to offload to the physical tape. This is useful in the following situations:
1. You performed a backup to virtual tape before associating the virtual tape with a
physical tape for offloading.
2. You had previously associated the virtual tape with a different physical tape that
had an error while offloading (e.g. a bad tape). You can choose this option to
associate the virtual tape with a different physical tape.
Erase VT – Choose this if the virtual tape contains data you no longer need, for
example if the virtual tape contains an older backup that has already been off-
loaded to physical tape. Your backup software will see the virtual tape as a new
blank tape.
Copy PT header -> VT – Choose this if the virtual tape contains data which you
no longer need, and the physical tape contains a backup that you want to purge
from your backup software’s database. The miSAN-V-Series will create a job to
copy the data header from the physical tape to the virtual tape. When your backup
software sees the data header on the virtual tape, it should purge the old backup
from its database when overwriting the virtual tape with a new backup.
Copy PT -> VT – Choose this if the virtual tape contains data you no longer need,
and the physical tape contains a backup you want to either restore or append.
Figure 3-31 “Clear VT for offloading” Option
“Host access” is often an easier method for restorin
from a ph
sical tape.