Instruction manual

Operating the Web Control Panel 91
UM-MV-86-B1-0801 Cybernetics
Properties tab
The “Properties” tab gives the following information: the model, firmware version,
serial number, stacker type (“Normal stacker” or “Autoloader”), number of slots,
number of import/export slots, and number of tape drives.
The “Properties” tab gives the following information about the physical stacker:
Model, firmware version, and serial number of the stacker
Stacker type: “Normal” or “Autoloader”
Number of magazine slots, import/export slots, and tape drives
These number give the actual number of elements rather than the HSTC license-
limited numbers.
Optical Drive Device Panel
When selected in the device tree, an optical drive will reveal a device panel in the
frame on the “Devices” tab (See Figure 3-45). The optical drive device panel
shows the following:
Whether a disc is loaded
Virtual tape: Name of the virtual tape stored on the optical disc, “None” or
“NEEDS FORMAT” (needs to be formatted; see
Format button below)
Figure 3-44 Physical Stacker “Properties” Tab