User Manual

53568 (TCP), port 162 (UDP) and port 53566(UDP). These ports must open because the Center uses them to
establish the communication with PDU and UPS RMCARD.
The Center will use the below SNMPv3 settings to interact with a secure device. These settings can be configured on
the Security/Authentication page of Center and on the Network Service/SNMPv3 Service page of the UPS
RMCARD/PDU/ATS web. These settings must be matched one.
User Name: Specifies a username match for protocol.
Authentication Protocol: Sets the protocol to be used for authenticating the network communication between the
Client and devices.
Authentication Key: Sets the authentication key which is used for the aforementioned authentication protocol.
Privacy Protocol: Sets the privacy protocol to be used for encrypting data during transmission between the Client
and devices.
Privacy Key: Sets the privacy key to encrypt data for the aforementioned privacy protocol.
Please refer to Security/Network section about how to configure Network settings.
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