User Manual

6. I failed to extend the off-delay time of Necessary shutdown time option.
The communities on the Security/Authentication page in the Client and on the Network/Access of Control
page in the PDU may be not matched. Confirm that the communities with the write permission are matched.
The Client may use the community without write permission to access the PDU. Please promote the
permission of the community which is used by the Client to access the PDU.
7. The web interface is displayed abnormally due to large or tiny size on Google Chrome 3.
It is caused by the default settings for minimum font size on the Google Chrome. Verify the below steps to
improve the web pages due to font size:
Close the Chrome first. Find the preference file located at Documents and Settings\Users_Name\Local
Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences in Windows XP and
Users\User_Name \AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences in Windows Vista.
Use the text editor to open preference file. You will find the keyword “webkit: in the file and insert
minimum_font_size and minimum_logic_font_size in the below example:
“webprefs”: {
“default_fixed_font_size”: 13,
“default_font_size”: 16,
"fixed_font_family": "Courier New",
“minimum_font_size”: 10 ,
“minimum_logical_font_size”: 10
Set both minimum_font_size and minimum_logic_font_size to 10 in order to display the pages normally. Save
the preference file and launch the Chrome again to access PPBE software.
8. The shutdown occurs earlier than expected time.
It may be caused by the following conditions:
When batteries have been used for a long time, they are unable to reach a full charge. Check to see if the
output load is too high. A high load on the UPS will cause the batteries to discharge faster and the remaining
runtime quickly decrease. Disconnect some load from the UPS to reduce the load in order to extend the
Verify that the batteries are fully-charged. If the capacity is too low, please charge the batteries to full capacity.
9. Pages cannot be displayed after I set up another port number in the Security/Network page.