User's Manual

Configuring the Firewall
Configuring Port Forwarding
Cisco RV 120W Administration Guide 97
STEP 7 If you chose S
Single Address
in Step 6, enter the IP address in the field.
STEP 8 If you chose A
in Step 6, enter the starting IP address of the range in
the F
field and the ending IP address of the range in the T
STEP 9 Enter the Destination IP address, or the address where traffic meeting the rule
should be sent.
STEP 10 In the F
Forward to Port
field, choose S
Same as Incoming Port
if the traffic should be
forwarded to the same port as of the incoming traffic. Choose S
Specify Port
if the
incoming traffic should be sent to one particular port, and enter the port number to
which incoming traffic should be directed.
STEP 11 In the L
field, specify whether or not the packets for this rule should be logged.
To log details for all packets that match this rule, select A
. Enabling logging
may generate a significant volume of log messages and is recommended for
debugging purposes only. Select N
to disable logging.
Restricting Sessions
You can limit the maximum number of unidentified sessions and half-open
sessions on the Cisco RV 120W. You can also introduce timeouts for TCP and UDP
sessions to ensure Internet traffic is not deviating from expectations in your private
To configure session settings:
STEP 1 Choose F
> S
Session Settings.
STEP 2 In the M
Maximum Unidentified Sessions
field, enter the maximum number of
unidentified sessions for the ALG identification process. This value can range from
2 through 128. The default is 32 sessions.
STEP 3 In the M
Maximum Half Open Sessions
field, enter the maximum number of half-open
sessions. A half-open session is the session state between receipt of a SYN
packet and the SYN/ACK packet. Under normal circumstances, a session is
allowed to remain in the half-open state for 10 seconds. The maximum value
ranges from 0 through 3,000. The default is 128 sessions.
STEP 4 In the T
TCP Session Timeout Duration
field, enter the time, in seconds, after which
inactive TCP sessions are removed from the session table. Most TCP sessions
terminate normally when the RST or FIN flags are detected. This value ranges from
0 through 4,294,967 seconds. The default is 1,800 seconds (30 minutes).