User's Manual

Administering Your Cisco RV 120W
Configuring Logging
Cisco RV 120W Administration Guide 132
Configuring Local Logging
The router can be configured to log and e-mail notifications for denial of service
attacks, general attack information, login attempts, dropped packets, etc. to a
specified e-mail address or a Syslog server.
Routing Logs
This section is used to configure the logging options for each network segment
(for example, LAN-WAN).
NOTE Enabling logging options may generate a significant volume of log messages and is
recommended for debugging purposes only.
Accepted Packets
—Check this box to log packets that were successfully
transferred through the segment. This option is useful when the Default
Outbound Policy is “Block Always” (see the F
> I
IPv4 Rules
or I
page). For example, if A
Accept Packets from LAN to WAN
is enabled
and there is a firewall rule to allow ssh traffic from the LAN, then whenever a
LAN machine tries to make an ssh connection, those packets will be
accepted and a message will be logged. (Make sure the log option is set to
allow for this firewall rule.)
Dropped Packets
—Check this box to log packets that were blocked from
being transferred through the segment. This option is useful when the
Default Outbound Policy is “Allow Always” (see the F
> I
IPv4 Rules
IPv6 Rules
page). For example, if Drop Packets from LAN to WAN is enabled
and there is a firewall rule to block ssh traffic from LAN, then whenever a
LAN machine tries to make an ssh connection, those packets will be
dropped and a message will be logged. (Make sure the log option is set to
allow for this firewall rule.)
System Logs
Select the type of system events to be logged. The following system events can
be recorded:
All Unicast Traffic
—Check this box to log all unicast packets directed to the
All Broadcast/Multicast Traffic
—Check this box to log all broadcast or
multicast packets directed to the router.