User's Manual

Configuring Networking
Configuring the Local Area Network (LAN)
Cisco RV 120W Administration Guide 45
STEP 1 Choose N
> L
> I
IPv6 LAN Configuration
STEP 2 In the List of Address Pools field, click A
STEP 3 Enter the starting IP address and ending IP address of the pool.
STEP 4 Enter the prefix length. The number of common initial bits in the networks
addresses is set by the prefix length field.
STEP 5 Click S
Configuring LAN Groups
You can create LAN groups, which are groups of endpoints that are identified by
their IP address. After creating a group, you can then configure actions, such as
blocked keywords in a firewall rule, that apply to the group. (See Adding Blocked
Keywords, page 87.)
To create a LAN Group:
STEP 1 Choose N
> L
> L
LAN Groups
STEP 2 Click A
STEP 3 Enter the group name; spaces and quotes are not supported. Click S
STEP 4 In the LAN Groups page, click the box next to the group you just created and click
Host List
STEP 5 To add endpoints to the group, click A
STEP 6 Enter the IP address of the endpoint and click S
. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for
each endpoint you want to add to the group.
Adding a Static IP Address for a Device on the LAN
You can configure an IP Address and MAC Address for a known computer or
device on the LAN network from the LAN Interface menu.