
THE 400T
One goal of physical fitness is a healthier heart that gets
progressively stronger. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are,
if you exercise regularly without overdoing it, your heart rate will
improve. Your resting pulse may also go down, which means that
your heart isn’t working as hard for even your most mild daily
activities. A stronger heart also means that you must exercise more
vigorously to attain the recommended 60%-90% of its capacity.
The 400T programs include several levels of difficulty for each
programmed workout. You will never outgrow your CYBEX
treadmill’s ability to challenge your fitness goals.
Treadmill vs. Other Forms of Exercise
With a CYBEX 400T in your home or office, you can exercise daily,
at whatever time is most convenient for you. You don’t have to
worry about traffic or weather conditions. In the clean air of an
inside environment, you won’t be bothered by car fumes, city
smog, or unstable walking/running surfaces. With a CYBEX
treadmill in the home or office, you can also exercise in privacy. You
can watch television, listen to music, dictate business letters, or
simply enjoy the satisfaction of a solitude that’s dedicated to
The advantages and benefits of a treadmill:
Real-time Results — See the total calories burned and distance
achieved immediately and accurately
Control — Choose your own program of exercise to set the pace
Safety and Comfort — Walk or run on a smooth, stable, and flat
running surface
Cardiovascular Exercise — Help your heart function more
efficiently, increase bone density to help fight osteoporosis, and
minimize strain on your back and spine
Convenience — Exercise any time you want, 24 hours a day
The programs included with your CYBEX treadmill are designed to
improve one or more of the following aspects of your workout:
If your workout includes running and you enjoy training for road
races, you may be interested in the programs CYBEX offers to
increase your speed. Speed gains in running are difficult to achieve
since it is often difficult to maintain a consistently fast pace
throughout a workout and at the same time push yourself just a
little to realize speed gains. The CYBEX treadmill helps you set a
challenging pace and gives you a chance to stretch your limits,
without overdoing the workout.
The American Heart Association states
that regular aerobic physical activity
plays a significant role in preventing
heart and blood vessel disease.