Operation Manual

Verdana : Set the font to Verdana (default font).
[…]: other fonts. these fonts are installable. You just need to
copy your font files (TTF) in the font folder. Your font family will
then appear in this list of installed fonts. You will then be able to
choose it for your text.
Layout…: Allow you to modify the layout of the book. It opens a
second menu.
Justified Text: Force the text to be justified (aligned both to the
right and left borders).
Emboldened Text: Emboldened the text (make the font bold).
Show Header: Show or hide the title of the book in the header
part of the page.
Show Pageometer/Footer: Show or hide pageometer (current
page vs total number of pages).
Settings: Display advanced options via a new menu. (see Settings
Library: Get back to the Library page.
Home: Get back to Home page.
Taping directly on the Page Header is a shortcut for Go To…. Taping directly
on the Page Footer is a shortcut for Go To…>Page….
Reading Environment for PDF files (Non reflowable)
Page areas
The footer of the page is a status bar which displays the title of your
document, your position in the document (current page/total number of
pages) and your level of zoom in %. The footer areas can be hidden or shown
via contextual menu.
Contextual menu
Back: Go back to the last hyperlink you activated. Comparable to Back
function in Internet browsing. Step back in history navigation. If you did
not activate any hyperlink this choice is dimmed. Swiping Up is a
shortcut for the Back function.
Forward: Go forward in history navigation. Swiping Down is a shortcut
for the Forward function.
Go To…: Allow you to jump directly to certain parts of the document. It
opens a second menu.
First Page: Go to first page of the document.
Last Page: Go to last page of the document.
Page…: Open a small numeric keypad on the screen to enter
directly the number of the page (use navigation button to choose
your numbers).
Zoom...: Allow you to zoom in and out in the page. It opens a second