Owner`s manual

Traffic Details
Traffic List
04. Traffic
Traffic information using HD Radio Technology
Traffic information using HD Radio Technology
At times, you may need to get more information on a specific traffic event. You
may press Detailson the traffic map or on the list page for the access.
Traffic messages are organized into two groups:
On Route: Traffic events on your calculated route. You may only avoid
On Routetraffic events.
All Messages: Traffic events that are within 50km of your vehicle‟s position.
This includes events on your route. The Avoid option is not available for Off
Route events.
Events can be organized by Distance To‘ or „Road Name‟. The „Distance
value for On Route events is the road distance to the event. The „Distance‘
value for the events not on your route (i.e. All Messages) is a direct-line
distance, also known as “as the crow flies”.