Product Info Chapter 5

CG 2400 User Guide
To remove a contact:
1. Access the CyberGenie Contacts window.
2. Highlight the contact record to be removed.
3. On the menu bar, click , or right-click the
contact record, then click Remove.
4. Click Yes to confirm deletion.
Editing a Contact Directly
You can use the standard Windows interface rules for
copy, cut, and paste on a single field while in the
Contacts window.
To cut, copy, or paste a field:
NOTE: Refer to your
Windows help for more
information on cut,
copy, and paste
1. To highlight a single field, click the field, then
click a second time. Note that this is two clicks,
not a double-click.
2. Right-click to open a dialog box, or use the
Windows keyboard shortcuts.
3. Move the cursor to the field where you want to
paste or copy. Repeat step 2.
Dialing a Contact from Your PC
While the Call Progress window provides ways of
manipulating calls already in progress, you can
originate a new call from the Contacts window.
To dial a contact:
1. Access the CyberGenie Contacts window.
2. Click to highlight the name of the contact to be
3. On the menu bar, click , or right-click the
contact name, then click Dial. A dialog box
Chapter 5: Sy stem Administration
Verify or
change the
following data:
Dial phone
number The
number to be
dialed. If
incorrect, click
the down
arrow to view and select from a dropdown list of
numbers for this contact.
On behalf of The handset user to whom the call
will be routed. If incorrect, click the down arrow
to view and select from a dropdown list of
handset users.
Using line The line on which the call will be
placed. The default is Auto Select. If you have
only one analog line connected to the base
station, your only option will be Line 1.
4. When done, click OK to initiate the call. It will be
directed to the selected handset.
Activating Speech Recognition
When a contact name is flagged for speech
recognition, a handset user can ask CyberGenie to
dial a number, and CyberGenie will recognize the
name and dial it based on the spoken command.
There are three ways you can activate or deactivate
speech recognition for a contact:
From the Add Contact or Edit Contact panels,
under the General tab (described starting on
By clicking the contact name to highlight, then
clicking (activate) or (deactivate) on the
menu bar.
By right-clicking the contact name, then clicking
either Activate Speech Recognition or
Deactivate Speech Recognition.