Product Info Chapter 5

CG 2400 User Guide
Call Progress
From the Call Progress window, you can view or
monitor all current call activity as well as control
various call functions, including:
Placing a call
Transferring a call
Making a conference call
Rejecting a call
Canceling any call operation
Listening to someone leaving a voicemail
There are three possible call session combinations:
External line to handset
Handset to external line
Handset to handset.
To access the Call Progress window, click the
application button.
The Call Progress window is divided into three
distinct areas:
Chapter 5: Sy stem Administration
System Call
A graphical view of any system call activities. Each
pair of boxes shows a single call session. A call
session displays the source of a call and the call
Call Details The Call Details panel displays call details for
whichever call session is highlighted in the System
Call Activities panel. It is also the area from which
you can control calls.
If you click the text display button on the bottom
right corner of this panel, the panel will split, and a
text description of the current call activity will display
in the bottom panel.
This panel can provide three different views of call
resource information, depending on which icon is
Displays all users with handsets assigned and lets
you redirect or transfer an active call to any user
Displays all mailboxes, whether or not the user has
an active handset, and lets you transfer an active call
to any user mailbox displayed.
Displays the contacts list, and lets you place a call to
any contact displayed. (See Adding and Updating
Contact Records” on page107.)
Miniaturizing the Call Progress
You can view the Call Progress window in full-screen
view or miniaturized.