Product Info Chapter 5

CG 2400 User Guide
When the Call Log application window is open, the
CyberGenie@Work menu bar provides the following
Lets you filter call information.
Opens a second panel that displays call detail
information for a highlighted call record.
Refreshes the display with any new call records since
you’ve accessed the Call Log window.
Prints the call log.
Clears all log entries.
Filtering Call Records
The default display is for all call records. You can
restrict the records displayed by using the filter.
To filter call records:
1. Access the Call Log window.
Chapter 5: Sy stem Administration
2. On the menu
bar, click . A
Filter dialog box
3. To filter
records, ensure
that the Do not
use filter
checkbox is not
4. Select from
some or all of
the filter
Under Call Type, click the down arrow to select
from a list of options. The default is All.
Enter hours, minutes, and seconds as desired to
view all calls with a Duration greater than the
time you enter. For example, to view all calls that
are more than 30 minutes long, enter 00:30:00.
Enter a Date From and Date To range, or click
the down arrow on each date to view and select
from a calendar.
Under Caller, click the down arrow to view and
select from a list of originating callers. Note that
the source of the call is always either a user with
an assigned handset for internally originated
calls, or an external line number for incoming
Under Destination, click the down arrow to view
and select from a list of call destinations.
To choose a Sort order, click on the down arrow.
You can also select Ascending or Descending
5. When done, click OK. Only the data selected with
the filter will display.