Product Info Chapter 5

CG 2400 User Guide
To turn off the filter:
1. Click again.
2. Click Do not use filter to set the check in the
3. Click OK.
Changing Sort Order from the
You can also change the sort order of the call records
directly from the Call Log window.
To change the sort order:
1. Access the Call Log window.
2. Place your mouse pointer over the column
heading by which you want to sort.
3. Click the column heading. The data will resort
based on that heading. For example, if you sort
by Duration, calls with the longest duration will
appear at the top of the log, with the shortest
calls at the bottom.
Viewing Details
The View Detail function displays additional
information about each specific call in the bottom of
the main Call Log window.
To view call details:
1. Access the Call Log window.
2. On the menu bar, click . The details panel will
3. Scroll through the panel using the scroll bar on
the right if needed.
4. Click and drag the top of the details panel to
5. When done, click again to close.
Chapter 5: Sy stem Administration
Refreshing the Call Log
You can refresh the display with records of any new
call since you’ve accessed the Call Log window.
To refresh the call log:
On the menu bar, click . The log will update with
any new call records.
Printing the Call Log
To print the call log:
1. Access the Call Log window.
2. On the menu bar, click . A print dialog box will
3. Select the report parameters, then click OK to
print the report.
Clearing the Call Log
You also have the option of deleting all call records
from the log.
deleted, you will not be
able to recover the call
log information.
As necessary for system maintenance, a system
administrator may need to clear individual logs or the
entire log.
To clear the call log:
1. Access the Call Log window.
2. To clear a single log entry, highlight the record
line before step 3. To clear all entries, do not
highlight any lines.
3. On the menu bar, click .
4. Click Yes to confirm deletion.