Product Info Chapter 5

CG 2400 User Guide
CyberGenie@Work lets you maintain a list of
contacts. You can use this information to place calls
from the Call Progress application window or from
your handset through CyberGenie.
If you use Microsoft Outlook or another MAPI-
compliant email software package,
CyberGenie@Work can read the entries in your
existing phonebook, and you can add names and
addresses from the Contacts application window. If
you don’t use another application, you can create a
contact list directly in CyberGenie@Work.
Whether your contacts list is created in Outlook or
CyberGenie@Work, several fields are added to the
database that provide special features only available
with CyberGenie:
Speech recognition Lets you flag an entry in your contacts list so that a
user can ask CyberGenie to dial a number, and
CyberGenie will recognize the name and dial it based
on your spoken command.
You can enter the name phonetically to ensure that
CyberGenie understands the name and pronounces it
Download to handset
Lets you flag a contact record for downloading to
your handset directory. The handset can store up to
100 names and phone numbers. (For more
information, see Downloading the Phonebook to
Your Handset” on page145.)
Alias A nickname for this contact (for example, Uncle
George) that CyberGenie will recognize for speech
Display name The name that shows on the handset display when
this contact is called.
To access the Contacts window, click the menu
Chapter 5: Sy stem Administration
Indicates that a contact is activated for speech
Indicates that a contact has been flagged for handset
Adding and Updating Contact
New contact records can be added at any time. A
contact record requires a minimum of first or last
name, and one phone number.
To add a new contact—General data:
1. Access the CyberGenie Contacts window.
2. On the menu bar, click . The New Contact
window will open, with the General tab on top: