Product Info Chapter 7

CG 2400 User Guide
Whether or not the download was completed
successfully, and the date and time of the most
recent download.
To remove the phonebook from your
1. Press to access the menu.
2. Select >PhoneBook>DeleteAll.
3. Press to confirm the deletion.
Placing a Call Using the
Numbers that have been downloaded can be dialed
from the handset by entering the contact name.
To place a call from the phonebook:
1. Press to access the menu.
2. Select >Phonebook>CallName.
3. There are three ways you can access the name of
the person to call:
Use to scroll through the list of available
names, or
Enter the first letter of the contact name, then
use to scroll through the list of available
names. Press to display and verify the
number, or
Press the corresponding key on the keypad for
each letter. Press once for the first letter on the
key, twice for the second, and three times for the
third. (See “Entering Non-Numeric Symbols from
the Handset Keypad” on page175 for a full table
of symbols available from the keypad.)
4. When the desired contact name displays, press
to place the call.
Chapter 7: Calls from the Handset
Viewing and Using Call
From the handset, you can view information on calls
that have been made from that handset. You can
The most recently called numbers (up to 10). A
called number is stored only once.
The duration of the last call.
Total duration of calls.
To view all calls recently placed:
1. Press to access the menu.
2. Select >Information>LastDialed and press
3. The number will display.
4. Use to scroll through the list of numbers.
5. To redial any number, press again while the
number is displayed.
To view the most recent call’s duration:
1. Press to access the menu.
2. Select >Information>LastCall and press .
3. The duration will display.
To view the total duration of all calls made:
1. Press to access the menu.
2. Select >Information>TotalCalls and press