Product Info Chapter 8

CG 2400 User Guide
blocked except for the key, which you can use to
end the BabyPhone call.
NOTE: If the battery in
the monitor handset is
low, the handset beeps
at the speaker handset
to warn the user.
If the BabyPhone call is interrupted, the speaker
handset will display BabyCallLost Reactivate?, and
the warning light stays on continuously. You can
press to reestablish the call. When the call is
reestablished, you hear a confirmation beep every
half a minute from the speaker handset. The
information tone can be turned off.
When you use the handset as a baby monitor, locate
it in the room where it will easily pick up sounds but
be out of reach of the baby or small child.
To set the BabyPhone call number:
1. Press to access and move through the
2. Select Handset>BabyPhone>SetPhoneNo
and press . If an extension is currently set,
the extension number displays.
To change the speaker extension number, press
to clear the old number, then type the new
3. Press to confirm.
To activate BabyPhone:
1. Press to access and move through the
2. Select Handset>BabyPhone> Activate and
press .
3. If BabyPhoneFailed displays, either the handset
number entered is incorrect or the phone is out of
range. If BabyPhone displays, the monitor has
been successfully activated.
End the BabyPhone function by pressing .
To turn the information tone on or off:
1. Press to access and move through the
Chapter 8: Handset Customization
2. Select >Handset>BabyPhone>InfoTone and
press . The current setting displays.
3. Select On or Off.
4. Press to confirm selection.
Using Direct Call
Direct call is a feature that lets you program the
handset to dial a set number regardless of which key
is pressed. Direct call can be activated with any key
on the keypad.
This feature is useful if there is a number that you
call repeatedly, or if you want to program the phone
for a child to contact you easily while you are out.
Storing a number in the direct call option and
activating the option configures the handset to
automatically ring the number by touching any key
on the handset. This means that if any key is
pressed, for example, by a small child, the same
direct call number is always dialed.
Pressing any key again will end the call.
NOTE: Only one direct
call can be stored at a
time. When this feature
is on, no other outgoing
calls can be made,
though calls can still be
When turning off the direct call feature, do the steps
quickly to prevent the direct call number from
To store a direct call:
1. Press to access the menu.
2. Select >Handset>DirectCall and press .
Enable Direct Call? displays.
3. Press to confirm. DirectC.No is displayed.
4. Enter the number to be called.
5. If a direct call number has been set before, it will
show on the display. To change the displayed
number, press
until the old number is
removed, then enter the new number.
6. Press to confirm the direct call function.