Troubleshooting Guide Chapter 1

CG 2400 User Guide
Call session Any call activity is referred to as a call session. It can
be a CyberGenie session, an external call or an
internal call.
Air channels A single call session uses one or two air channels,
depending on the nature of the call. For example, an
external call (incoming or outgoing) uses a single
channel. A call from a handset to CyberGenie also
uses a single air channel. Calls between two
handsets, however, use two air channels, one for
each handset.
To register a handset to work with the CyberGenie
base station. The base station will interact only with
a handset that has been subscribed.
To provide a specific user with access to a specific
MAPI Messaging Application Programming Interface, MAPI
is a Microsoft standard for messaging software that
allows different types of message information (email,
voicemail, contact lists, etc.) to interact through a
common interface.
Unified messaging
A way of accessing all your messages (voice, fax, or
emails) from a single source. It includes such
features as text-to-speech, which converts email text
into a format that you can listen to when checking
messages by phone.
Full function mode
When your PC is on with CyberGenie@Work running,
the system is in full function mode.
Standalone mode If the PC must be turned off, the system can still run
in standalone mode, which lets you place and receive
external calls, but without additional system
Chapter 1: Introduction
System Overview
The CG 2400 system turns your computer into a
multi-featured phone system. Not only does it
answer and route incoming calls, it also notifies you
when you have voicemail, emails and faxes.
A key system component is the DG 200 Handset.
When a call comes in, CyberGenie will notify you and
display the caller's ID
, if available, giving you the
option of taking the call or letting the call go to
When an email comes in, CyberGenie's text-to-
speech feature lets you listen to your email on the
spot without having to return to your computer.
And while your handset will not display a full fax
message, it can let you know when a fax comes in
and the number from which it originated.
The CG 2400 system can support up to 10 handsets
and 20 mailbox users. You can use the handsets not
only to make external calls but also to place internal
calls from one handset user to another. And you can
use your handset to call your virtual personal
assistant, CyberGenie, to check messages, place
calls, or leave reminders for yourself.
With CyberGenie, you can also make use of an
advanced automatic speech recognition (ASR)
technology that allows you to perform many of the
telephony functions available through interactive
“conversations” with CyberGenie. CyberGenie follows
your verbal instructions for such tasks as placing a
call, retrieving your messages, or recording new
outgoing messages.
1.Requires CID service from the phone company.