Owner's manual

The LP-16 uses audio les on an attached USB drive, to play back assorted audio, either stereo
wav les, or groups of up to 16 mono wave les. These LP-16’s menus interact with these les
based on how they are specically placed on the attached USB drive.
When a USB drive is rst attached to the LP-16’s front panel USB port, it is tested for compatible
formatting, and then the following folders are automatically created on the USB drive:
When you attach the USB drive to your computer to copy wave les from your local hard drive
to the USB device, the les should be placed in these folders so that the LP-16 knows where to
look for them.
The folders work as follows:
9.1. Music Folder
This folder is where you copy stereo wav les, that are intended to be used when the LP-16 is
set to stereo (ST) mode. This mode is best used for functions like playing “walk-in” music, “break
music” and “walk-out” music at a live event. When the LP-16 is set to ST mode and set to “normal
instead of playing back a playlist, it will playback the les in this folder in alphabetical order. One
way to congure a playback order you would like, is to prepend the les with “001”, “002, etc.
Using your computer, you may create additional folders, within the music folder and then place
different stereo wave les within them, and then navigate to the specic folders and their contents
using the LP-16’s “folder browse” button on the top panel. For example, you could create one
folder called “rock” and ll it with rock tunes, while creating another folder called “Jazz” and lling
it with Jazz tunes. With such an approach, you could have different folders of musical styles at
the ready, for music playback at different events.
The music folder also contains an automatically created folder called “PLAYLISTS”. This folder
is where any user-created playlist les are stored (using the LP-16 Playlist Editor software). A
playlist le is shown as xxxx.play”; they can be selected from the LP-16 using the menu’s “Select
Playlist” command.
9.2. Recording Folder
The recording folder is where you store the audio that is used when the LP-16 is set to Multi-Track
(MT) mode. This mode is used when the LP-16 is playing back up to 16 separate audio tracks,
meant to be fed into a live sound console and mixed alongside live performers.
When the USB drive is attached to a computer, you can make a new folder with the name of the
song you are making a collection of les for, and then copy up to 16 mono wave les into that
folder. When that folder is selected on the LP-16, the 16 les will playback, in sync with each
other, out of the 16 rear panel outputs.
A folder containing the 16 wave les may also contain a “song” le (shown as xxxx.set), which
would be created with the LP-16 Playlist Editor software. The song le contains additional settings
related to the multi-track playback functions.
The LP-16 can also play back a standard MIDI le (.midi) in sync with the collection of 16 tracks.
To perform this function, place the .midi le in the same song folder as the 16 wave tracks. The
.midi le’s MIDI data will automatically play out of the LP-16’s MIDI Out connector, when the
tracks in the same song folder are playing.
10.1. Using the Skip Forward/Skip-Back Buttons
When playing back song les, the transport and navigation controls work as follows:
Pressing the skip forward button will increment, by one song, the next song to be played
in the playlist. For example, if the next song to be played is the 4th song in the playlist,
pressing the top panel skip forward button will “skip” the 4th song, and instead play the 5th
song next.
Pressing the skip back button will decrement, by one song, the next song to be played in the
playlist. For example, if the next song to be played is the 4th song in the playlist, pressing
the top panel skip back button will “skip” the 4th song, and instead play the 3rd song next.
To stop a currently playing song before it has completed, or skip to the next or previous song
in a playlist:
Press the “stop” button
While the transport is stopped, press the skip back or skip forward buttons.
The LP-16 will then allow you to navigate to the next song in the playlist that will be played,
when the play key is next pressed.
The above playback behavior is designed for the most exible playback of tracks at a
live sound event. It allows you to spontaneously change what song will play next, without
interrupting playback of the current song.
10.2. Using the Stop Button
When the LP-16 is currently playing back a song:
The rst press of the stop button will pause the transport. Pressing the play button resume
playback of the current song, from the pause point forward.
The 2nd press puts the transport into stop mode. Pressing the play button begins playback
of the next song in the playlist.
10.3. Using to the Playlist Folder
To navigate to a playlist folder, use one of the three following methods:
Press the top panel “folder” button; you will be taken to the folder on the attached drive
where the currently playing song resides. You can then navigate to the playlist folder.
If no playlist is currently selected yet, pressing the stop and play buttons at the same time
will activate (toggle playlist mode) and you will be taken directly the playlist folder.
Press the “menu” button and then select the “Go to Playlist” menu option
Turn on the device
Connect the LP-16 to its external power supply and turn it on. After the start-up screen
briey displays, you will see the following screen:
Connect a USB storage device
Plug in a USB hard drive or USB thumb drive into the USB storage connector on the front of
the LP-16.