Owner's manual

12.2. Multitrack Mode Menus
Pressing the Menu Button while in multitrack mode will take you to the Multitrack Mode Menu.
This menu contains assorted settings that affect the operation of the LP-16 when it is operating
in multitrack mode, including the following:
Playback Mode
Select Playlist
MIDI Settings
Footswitch Settings
Display Settings
Format USB Device
Use the Next / Previous buttons, or alternatively the Up / Down buttons, to navigate to the desired
menu setting, which will be highlighted on the display.
Press the Select button to adjust the highlighted selection, and the display will switch to the
specic settings for that menu selection, as detailed below:
12.2.1. Playback Mode
This screen allows you to select between the two playback modes available in MT mode:
Playlist Mode: In this mode, the LP-16 will play back les in the order that has been set up in
the playlist. To make a playlist, use the LP-6 Playlist Editor software.
Normal Mode: In this mode, all MT les residing in the currently selected folder will display
and can be played.
12.2.2. Select Playlist
This screen allows you to select a playlist to load into memory, from the available playlists located
on the attached USB drive.
The LCD display shows a list of all available playlists.
Use the up and down buttons to scroll to the desired playlist
Use the select button to select the highlighted playlist.
12.2.3. MIDI Settings
This screen allows adjustment of various setting related to the MIDI input and output connectors.
MIDI Thru: Use this menu to toggle a “MIDI Through” function on/off for the front panel MIDI
When MIDI through is activated, all MIDI messages coming into the LP-16 will be merged
with the currently playing MIDI le (if one is being played back) and then routed to the LP-
16’s MIDI output.
If MIDI through is turned off, this merge activity does not occur
MIDI Offset: Adjust this setting to provide an offset (delay) between the start time of a loaded
standard MIDI le, and the start time of the associated song. This setting allows you to ne-tune
the synchronization timing between the MIDI le and the triggered audio.
Send All Notes Off: Select this menu to issue an “all notes off” out of the LP-16s MIDI output,
message to a connected MIDI device, useful if any “stuck notes” occur on a connected MIDI
playback device.
Usually when a MIDI “all notes off” message is required, the need for it is time sensitive due to a
stuck MIDI note on the downstream sound generator. To issue the command immediately, press
the “prev + next + select