User's Manual

2/2020 CY-0090-018, Rev.A Page 18 of 49
4. 6 e- vi ve S ys te m Re plac emen t Par t Num ber s
The table below shows a list of replacement electrode sets. Please visit
the CyMedica Orthopedics shop page at to order these items. Contact
CyMedica Orthopedics (1-844-CYM-2014) if you have any questions
about online ordering.
4. 7 NME S Gar me nt E le ctr ode s Rep lac eme nt In st ruct io ns
Your garment is provided with pre-installed electrode wires with
protective caps covering the metal conductive pins. Follow these
instructions to initially place or change your electrodes with a new set:
Acquire an electrode set. If this is the first time you are placing
electrodes on your garment, remove the plastic electrode pin covers. If
you are replacing electrodes already on your garment, gently peel the
existing electrodes from the garment.
Part Part Number
e-vive™ NMES Electrodes Set CY-1000-183
Electrode covers CY-1000-034