Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual 10
20 resume resume [taskname | task ID] resume task taskname or task ID
21 route route [add | delete | -a] <host |
net> <dest> <gateway>
IP routing table maintenance
22 setenv setenv <ENV_VAR=value> set environment variable ENV_VAR to
value, or if no parameters show all
environment variables
23 setid setid [uid] [gid] set user and group Ids
24 setpri setpri [taskname | tid] [priority] set task taskname or task ID priority to
25 sleep sleep [seconds] suspend shell execution for seconds
26 suspend suspend [taskname | tid] suspend task taskname or task ID
27 ber ber [subchannel (0-3)] <frequency
toggle bit error rate display on the
specified subchannel
28 flashcrc flashcrc [target pid | all] report the flash CRC of the requested PID
29 getRev getRev [target pid | all] report the software revision of on the
requested PID
30 remlog remlog toggles msgLog on telnet sessions
31 wmsl wmsl [target PID] [b|h|w]
[address] [value]
write value at address on slave PID using
byte, half-word, or word access
32 dmsl dmsl [target PID] [b|h|w] [address]
read (dump) length bytes of memory at
address on PID using byte, half-word, or
word access
33 ipcsl ipcsl [target PID] report IPC info for PID
34 rxmqueu
rxmqueue report info for the RXM I/Q sample circular
35 txmdac txmdac report info for the TXM transmit DAC
36 cpdbg cpdbg [target PID] report info for the CP with PID pid
37 statedbg statedbg report info for the RXM call state machine
38 time time display RC860 system time
39 syspar syspar <r | w> <parameter>
read or write parameter with value if
writing; no parameters lists all system
parameters and current values
40 sysStatus sysStatus User-friendly display of repeater statuses,
as seen by the RC860
41 reset860 reset860 resets the entire repeater
42 shutdown shutdown stops all RX and TX on the repeater
43 resetSys
resetSysParms resets all non-volatile parameters to
44 preschec
prescheck displays task and slave processor
45 flashld flashld [pid] prepare PID to receive flash image
46 iflock iflock displays RF lock status
47 chuser chuser <-adhm> <username> change telnet user - add a new user,
delete user, help, modify user password
48 startnow startnow start repeater initialization now, skipping
warm-up timer
49 log log toggles msgLog on CONSOLE shell
50 taskdbg taskdbg [DPR|PA|RF|SCON]
display task DPR, PA, RF, or SCON
debug info
51 memtest memtest [h | w] [address]
test memory at address for length bytes
using half-word or word access