Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual 9
Repeater Controller Command Set
Communication with the repeater controller is accessible through the RS232 port located on the front panel
of this board. This connection requires a pin to pin compatible RS232 cable. A HyperTerminal must be
started to communicate with the repeater controller. With a WINDOWS operating system, the
HyperTerminal can be found at:
Start/Programs/Accessories/ HyperTerminal/HyperTerminal
The HyperTerminal should be set up as follows.
Bits per second 38400
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
Terminal Key Selected
Emulation ANSI
ASCII Receiving Wrap lines that exceed terminal width
The following table is the Repeater Controller Command Set.
1 Legend
2 [parameter] parameter is required
3 <parameter> parameter is optional or required in some
4 [parm1|parm2] parm1 OR parm2
5 PID Processor ID in [0,20]
6 IPC Interprocessor Communications
9 help help <command> display all commands or help on a specific
10 osinfo osinfo <task | queue | sem | part> display pSOS info for tasks, queues,
semaphores, partitions, or all of the above
if no parameter given
11 ifconfig ifconfig display network I/F data
12 netstat netstat display network connections
13 arp arp [-adsf] address resolution protocol (ARP) table
maintenance; show all, delete host, set
host and MAC address, or load from file
14 date date display RC860 system date
15 echo echo ["string"] echo "string" to the CONSOLE
16 getid getid display user ID and group ID
17 getpri getpri [taskname | tid] display task taskname or task ID priority
18 kill kill [taskname | tid] kill task taskname or task ID
19 ping ping [IP] check connectivity to address IP