
Ki Pro Quad v5.2 www.aja.com
See “Using Playlists” on page 77 at the end of this chapter for an additional tutorial on
working with playlists.
Figure 19. Ki Pro Quad Web Interface, Playlists All Clips Screen
Alarms Screen The Alarms display is present on each screen and constantly shows you the state of any
alarms in the system. The Alarms area normally contains a green box displaying, “None if
there are no alarms. If an alarm is generated, the Alarms area displays a red or yellow box
containing text describing the alarm. Red boxes represent alarms that will block
recording while yellow boxes represent alarms that will not block recording. If multiple
alarms are generated, they appear as multiple red or yellow boxes, each one containing
text describing the associated alarm.
Figure 20. Ki Pro Quad Web Interface, Alarms Display