User Manual

Getting Started With EZ- Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. ** 22
My First EZ-BLE PRoC Module Design
This section provides you with the step-by-step process for building a simple design with EZ-BLE PRoC Module using PSoC
Creator. We will use a previous example project completed for the PRoC BLE device and reconfigure it to work with the EZ-
BLE PRoC Module.
About the Design
using the BLE Component in PSoC Creator. The example uses the
"Find Me" target profile and operates as a BLE server that can communicate to a BLE Client (Smart Phone or PC). It can
operate with another device that uses the "Find Me" locator profile and acts as a BLE client. The "Find Me" target profile uses
an instance of the "Immediate Alert Service" to display alerts when the locater device sends them.
When in discovery mode, the Find Me Target remains visible for BLE clients. The device switches to Deep-Sleep mode
between BLE connection intervals.
For this design, the BLE configuration in Table 4 is used.
Table 4. BLE Design Configuration
GAP Role
GAP Peripheral Device
Profile Role
Find Me
GATT Server
Find Me Characteristic
8-bit Alert Level
Bluetooth Low Energy Advertisement Timing
Advertise with fast advertisement configuration for 30 seconds
Fast advertising interval of 20ms
Go to low power mode on advertisement timeout
Advertisement Packet
Appearance and Immediate Alert Service UUID in Advertisement packet
Local name in Scan response packet
Connection Parameters
Connection interval = 7.5 ms
Slave latency = 0
Supervisory timeout = 10 seconds
GAP Settings
Device name = Find Me Target
Company ID of device address = 0x00A050
No authentication or encryption
This design uses GPIOs for three LEDs to indicate different states, a button switch for wake-up from Deep Sleep, and a BLE
subsystem to enable the Find Me profile through the BLE protocol. The schematic for the design from PSoC Creator is shown
in Figure 22.