User Manual

Getting Started With EZ- Document No.: 001-96841 Rev. ** 43
Program the Device
This section shows how to program the device. If you are
using a development kit with a built-in programmer,
connect the kit board to your computer using the USB
cable. For other kits, refer to the kit user guide.
If you are developing on your own hardware, you need a
hardware debugger, for example, a Cypress CY8CKIT-
002 MiniProg3.
1. Select the PSoC Creator menu item Debug > Select
Debug Target, as Figure 55 shows.
Figure 55. Selecting Debug Target
2. In the Select Debug Target dialog box, click Port
Acquire, and then click Connect, as Figure 56
shows. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Figure 56. Connecting to a Device
3. Choose the Debug > Program to program the device
with the project, as Figure 57 shows.
Figure 57. Programming the Device
4. You can view the programming status on the
PSoC Creator status bar (lower-left corner of the
window), as Figure 58 shows,
Figure 58. Programming Status