Data Sheet

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Document Number: 002-28053 Rev. ** Page 22 of 47
Infrared Modulator
The CYBT-343052-02 includes hardware support for infrared TX. The hardware can transmit both modulated and unmodulated
waveforms. For modulated waveforms, hardware inserts the desired carrier frequency into all IR transmissions. IR TX can be sourced
from firmware-supplied descriptors, a programmable bit, or the peripheral UART transmitter.
If descriptors are used, they include IR on/off state and the duration between 1–32767/sec. The CYBT-343052-02 IR TX firmware
driver inserts this information in a hardware FIFO and makes sure that all descriptors are played out without a glitch due to underrun
(see Figure 11).
Figure 11. Infrared TX
PDM Microphone
The CYBT-343052-02 accepts a -based one-bit pulse density modulation (PDM) input stream and outputs filtered samples at either
8 kHz or 16 kHz sampling rates. The PDM signal derives from an external kit that can process analog microphone signals and generate
digital signals. The digital signal passes through the chip IO and MUX inputs using an auxADC signal. The PDM shares the filter path
with the aux ADC.
Two types of data rates can be supported:
8 kHz
16 kHz
The external digital microphone accepts a 2.4 MHz clock generated by the CYBT-343052-02 and outputs a PDM signal which is
registered by the PDM interface with either the rising or falling edge of the 2.4 MHz clock selectable through a programmable control
bit. The design can accommodate two simultaneous PDM input channels, so stereo voice is possible.
Security Engine
The CYBT-343052-02 includes a hardware security accelerator that greatly decreases the time required to perform typical security
operations. These functions include:
Public key acceleration (PKA) cryptography
AES-CTR/CBC-MAC/CCM acceleration
SHA2 message hash and HMAC acceleration
RSA encryption and decryption of modulus sizes up to 2048 bits
Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman in prime field GF(p)
Generic modular math functions