User Manual Part 1

CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 43
Example Projects
Figure 4-1. Open Example Project from PSoC Creator
4. Select the folder where you want to save the project and click
5. BLE projects use a public device address set in the BLE component GUI to advertise and scan,
depending on the role: peripheral or central mode. If there are other kits in close proximity, which
have the same public device address, then wrong devices may be connected or connections can
fail. To prevent this, you can change the Public device address (and preferably Device name)
in the BLE component. To do this, double-click the BLE component in TopDesign, go to the GAP
Settings tab, and choose the General setting. Add the desired public device address (non-zero)
and device name in the respective fields, as shown in Figure 4-2. Click OK.
Alternatively, you can select the 'Silicon generated' device address by selecting the check box.
This way, the BD address is generated using the silicon ID, unique to each silicon. Click OK.