User Manual Part 1

CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-93731 Rev. *A 47
Example Projects
4.2 CapSense Slider and LED
4.2.1 Project Description
This project demonstrates BLE connectivity between the BLE Pioneer kit (acting as a peripheral and
server device) and BLE dongle or mobile device running the CySmart application (acting as a central
and client device). This project demonstrates following:
Advertisement with timeout
Connection with any BLE Central device
Two custom services in single profile
Data transfer over BLE custom service using notifications, read, and write
Low-power mode implementation for battery operation
The BLE profile in this project consists of two BLE custom services: CapSense and RGB LED. The
CapSense service consists of one custom characteristic, termed as CapSense Slider. The
CapSense slider characteristic is used to send one byte data, ranging from 0 to 100, as notification
to the client device. This data is the finger location read by the CapSense component on the five-
segment slider (CSS1) present on the kit. This characteristics supports notification, which allows the
BLE server to send data to the connected client device whenever new data is available.
RGB LED service also consists of one custom characteristic, termed as RGB LED Control.
This characteristic supports two operations, read and write, through which the connected client
device can read data as well as write a new value to the characteristic. This data has four byte val-
ues indicating red, green, blue, and intensity values for the onboard RGB LED.
These properties for the custom service/characteristics are configured in the BLE component under
the Profiles tab, as shown in Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-7. Attributes Configuration in BLE Component for Custom Services