
46 CY8CKIT-042 PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-86371 Rev. *D
Code Examples
5.1 Project: Blinking LED
5.1.1 Project Description
This example uses a pulse-width modulator (PWM) to illuminate the RGB LED. The PWM output is
connected to pin P0_3 (blue) of the RGB LED. The frequency of blinking is set to 1 Hz with a duty
cycle of 50 percent. The blinking frequency and duty cycle can be varied by varying the period and
compare value respectively.
Note: The PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit is factory-programmed with this example.
Figure 5-7. PSoC Creator Schematic Design of Blinking LED Project
5.1.2 Hardware Connections
No specific hardware connections are required for this project because all connections are hard-
wired on the board. Open Blinking LED.cydwr in the Workspace Explorer and select the suitable pin.
Table 5-1. Pin Connection
Pin Name Port Name
PWM P0_3 (Blue)