
CY8CKIT-042 PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-86371 Rev. *D 51
Code Examples
5.2.4 Verify Output
Build and program the code example, and reset the device. Observe the RGB LED cycles through
the color pattern.
5.3 Project: Deep Sleep
5.3.1 Project Description
This project demonstrates the low-power functionality of the PSoC 4. The LED is turned on for one
second to indicate Active mode; then, the device enters Deep-Sleep mode. When switch SW2 is
pressed, the device wakes up and the LED is turned on for one second and then goes back into
Deep-Sleep mode.
Figure 5-14. PSoC Creator Schematic Design of Deep-Sleep Project
5.3.2 Hardware Connections
No extra connections are required for the project functionality because the connections are hard-
wired onto the board. To make low-power measurements using this project, refer to the use case
detailed in section Procedure to Measure PSoC 4 Current Consumption on page 34.
Open Deep Sleep.cydwr in the Workspace Explorer and select the suitable pin.
Table 5-3. Pin Connection
Pin Name Port Name
LED P1_6 (Red)
Switch P0_7