
CY8CKIT-042 PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-86371 Rev. *D 97
Advanced Topics
3. Configure the Pioneer Kit in Service Mode. To do this, while holding down the reset button (SW1
Reset), plug in the PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit to the computer using the included USB cable (USB A to
mini-B). This puts the PSoC 5LP into service mode, which is indicated by the blinking green sta-
tus LED.
4. In the Bootloader Host tool, set the filters for the USB devices with VID: 04B4 and PID: F13B.
USB Human Interface Device port appears in the Ports list. Click that port to select it.
Figure 6-48. Select USB Human Interface Device
5. Click the Program button (or menu item Actions > Program) to restore the factory-program by
bootloading it onto the PSoC 5LP.
6. After programming has completed, the following message appears: “Programming Finished Suc-