User`s guide

Chapter 8. Batch queuing system 81
Chapter 8
Batch queuing system
The batch queuing system ensures an optimum load on the computer
and a fair distribution of resources for the users. On the Cray T3E the
queuing system is called Network Queuing Environment, NQE.
8.1 Network Queuing Environment (NQE)
The NQE system makes it possible to submit batch jobs from different
computers (client computers) to the target computer (execution server).
NQE takes the submitted job script and reserves the requested resources.
Thereafter the commands in the script file are executed and the results
are returned to the user. The configuration of the NQE on the T3E
ensures that the distribution of jobs is as fair as possible.
8.2 Submitting jobs
The sequence of commands or programs that you want to run on a
computer is called a job. In the NQE system the jobs are sent to a queue
which handles the job and executes it with appropriate resources. In the
NQE system the jobs are sent to a pipe queue which redirects the job to
a batch queue.
To submit jobs on the T3E, you must first create a job script file in
normal shell script format. An example is given below:
# QSUB -q prime
# QSUB -l mpp_p=16
# QSUB -l mpp_t=7000