Product Info

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3.3. System on/off procedures
Make sure that the System's battery is fully charged, the battery charge has a duration of
around 18 hours; charge the WORK AIR DL001 T U before the battery charge runs down
completely and whenever possible.
After putting on the WORK AIR DL001 T U correctly (see chapters above) switch the
device on using the on/off button located on the front left-hand side, as indicated in
Figure 2 below and then close the front buckles completely.
Figure 2: on/off button
Before starting to work, check that the system is operating correctly, indicated by the
illuminated button flashing every 1,5 seconds; its color depends on the battery charge
level. The system is only correctly operating and ready for use in this condition. The
sequence indicating that the system is operating correctly and ready for use is shown
below in relation to the battery charge level:
Green, from 100% to 50%
Yellow, from 50% to 25%
Red, from 25% to 0%
●●● After you have finished using the System, deactivate the WORK AIR DL001 T U
immediately using the on/off button indicated in Figure 3.
Figure 3: on/off button
●●● When the System is not in use, always ensure it is switched off. If switched on
the system could be triggered accidentally during transport.
3.3.1. Checking correct functionality of the System
Always check correct functionality of the System before use. Use of the system in the event
of malfunction must be considered as being performed at the user’s own risk.
After putting on the System, switch it on and check that the illuminated button is on and
flashing. For more information, check the flash codes in the chapter 3.5 “Guide to the LED
sequences during use”.
●●● Before using the WORK AIR DL001 T U always ensure that the LED interface of
the System has no error messages.