User's Manual

106 DOT 320 User’s Guide
Add Favorites: You can add the page to the favorite for easy access.
To add current page to favorite:
1. Go to the page you want to add.
2. Select Favorites > Add to Favorites. Add Favorite window appears.
3. Confirm or change the name.
4. To locate the folder you want, tap Create in and select folder to add.
5. Tap OK.
Organize Favorites: You can organize added pages.
To organize favorites:
1. Select Favorite > Organize Favorite. Organize Favorites window appears.
2. Select favorite page to edit, then tap appropriate button.
3. You can rename, move, or delete page. To create a new folder, tap Create
B. Explorer menu
There are 6 icons on explorer menu: Back, Forward, Stop, Refresh, Home, and Search.
Refer to appropriate file menu for more information.
Address Window
You can move to other page by entering URL in the address window. Also, you can view
URL history by tapping arrow behind address window.
Contents Window
You can view a page in this window.
Status Window
Status window shows the status of access process.